夫勒斯诺市 is within easy distance of a variety of national 公园 and major recreation areas, 包括约塞米蒂国家公园, 是一个医疗和惩教中心, providing you with plenty of career 和经验 opportunities.
欧文拥有令人难以置信的天气, 食物, 和夜生活, 方便前往海滩, 公园, 和山脉. It has a warm Mediterranean climate with many 公园 for hiking, 骑自行车, 皮划艇, 以及其他户外娱乐活动.
洛杉矶 is one of the most unique and diverse cities in the U.S, with thousands of major businesses and 医疗 centers in the area, providing you with a rich array of 实习s, 社交活动和工作机会.
凤凰城 is a major destination for outdoor recreation, 有热闹的餐厅吗, 还有很多艺术作品. 这个地区有好几英里的小径可供徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 以及其他活动, and the state is home to two professional sports teams.
萨克拉门托 has a vibrant cultural scene with restaurants, gastropubs, 啤酒厂, 和更多的, 同时也是一个政治问题, 金融, 医疗中心, 为您提供广泛的职业选择, 实习, 网络, 还有志愿者的机会.
圣地亚哥 offers plenty of sunshine and 70 miles of pristine coastline. 它也是一种著名的生物技术, 医疗, and military hub where you’ll be presented with a variety of 实习 and career opportunities.
维尔 is located in the 旧金山湾区 with its many attractions, 还有一大批律师事务所, 医疗保健和生物技术公司, which will give you plenty of 实习 and career options upon graduation.
If you’re looking for a convenient way to earn a degree while working, 养家糊口, 或者远程学习, we have you covered with online education in education, 心理学, 商业与管理, 以及法医行为研究.